Monday, January 12, 2009

Random Entry 5: They Might Be Giants

Here's a list of things that are better than the New York Giants and their fans...

Tashard Choice Puns>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Lil Wayne>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Little Green Stickers on the QBs Helmet>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Nagging Girlfriends>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
48 Hours Without Sleep>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Paper Cuts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Tony Romo Turnovers From Blindside Defenders>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Night on the Town With Keith Davis & PacMan Jones>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
A Transporter Marathon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Fran Drescher Dramatic Reading of Shakespeare>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Yanking Duct Tape Off Your Leg>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
A Trip to the Dentist>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Food Poisoning>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Keanu Reeves' Acting>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
The Song That Never Ends>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Soap Operas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Ross Geller>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Klee Irwin's Face>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
The Hunter Who Killed Bambi's Mother>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
The Movie "Fluke">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Shelley Duvall>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
The Kid Who Played Isaac in Children of the Corn>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Dan Rather's Whistle When He Talks>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Peggy Hill>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Jackie Smith>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
The Life Expectancy of a Fly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Dave Chappelle Leaving Chappelle's Show>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
"Lovin You" by Minnie Riperton>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
High School Musical>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Anyone Who Uses "La, la, la, la" as Lyrics in a song>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Movies Rated PG-13>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Lines at Amusement Parks>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
The Newer Episodes of Family Guy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Roy Williams in Coverage>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
"Rooster" Blocking>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
The Ickey Shuffle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Eugene Robinson Winning the Bart Starr Award>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Kids Who Pee in the Pool>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Hot Dog Prices at Sporting Events>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Mosquito Bites>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Clothes That No Longer Fit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Bad Haircuts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Getting Cut Off in Traffic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
The DMV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Samantha Ronson>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Nancy Meyers' Movies>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Unknown Rashes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Nose Bleeds>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Cutting Your Fingernails Too Short And Now It Hurts>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Skyler Green>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Barney Frank>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Matt Millen's Draft Knowledge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Self-Loathing Americans>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Gucci Mane>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Getting Slapped>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
The Refs From the 2006 NBA Finals>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Giants/Fans
Oprah Winfrey and Tyra Banks = Giants/Fans (This one is a push)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Random Entry 4: Phil Collins Was Right

I'm super disappointed that the Cowboys cut PacMan Jones. He's the only guy who could play corner for us this past year. Cowboys are a mess right now.


Big Pun truly was ahead of his time.


Someone suggested that statutory rape laws should be changed. I don't know about that. I think it's fine the way it is now. Any tweaking of those laws would have flaws, so we just need to stick to the one with as few holes as possible (Which is what I think we have now)


The last thing in the world I want to do is go get my car inspected on Friday. It's a pain to sit there for two hours only to be told you've failed emissions like I was last time. Friday's are bad enough with all I have to do, but car inspections make it worse.


I'm really trying to get into Twitter, but it's not working very well. We'll see if I change on it.


Whenever I drink Coca-Cola, I can almost feel my teeth rotting away as I'm drinking it.


I've kind of thought about running for State Congress. I think it'd be more than easy to get elected and I'd like to do some good for my state, but I would not be able to live off of the ridiculous 300 dollars a week they get paid (It may be even less than that. I can't remember)

So State politics is out.


I love my state. It's sad that others (Outside of Texas) don't have the same pride in their home.


And now a random movie clip I love


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Random Entry 3: I Like Toast

I was watching "What Would You Do?" on 20/20 this evening. The special is basically about situations where something bad happens and 20/20 sees how people react with hidden cameras.

Example: Two actors playing a couple go out on a date. When the girl walks away, the guy dumps something in her drink and in a noticeable way so that people around can see. 20/20 does this all night to see how each batch of people deals with it. Will they say anything? After the people react, they always pop up with cameras and ask the person, good or bad, why they reacted the way they did.

Well, tonight, it was about if someone would stick up for an illegal immigrant were he to be denied food by a racist deli owner and how would the French react to loud, obnoxious Americans.

The first story was so ultra liberal. Some were indeed being racist, but there was one specific time where the person that they grilled about being a racist had only said "If they're asking you to leave, you should probably go."

Yeah, the person maybe should have told the guy not to deny the people food, but so what if all the person said was that they may want to go since the guy obviously isn't going to stop being like that?

The second story, showed loud obnoxious Americans, who, of course, were Texans. Stereotyping Texans to no end as they go to France and act loud and ignorant.

Of course, the French glare at them, but the interesting thing was that a lot of the people glaring and calling them "Stupid Americans" were transplanted Americans.

If there is one thing I can't stand, it's self-loathing Americans. They are pathetic people. You can be disappointed in your country at times, but to completely generalize your own people and call them stupid and ugly...that's shameful. I think Liberalism in and of itself requires you to be a little self-loathing. It's one of the reasons I stray so far away from it.

I hate the superiority complex that so many foreign countries have.

I also hate how everyone thinks Texans are in-bred Cowboys who live amongst prairie dogs and tumbleweeds. It's obvious to tell who has actually been to Texas and who has not.

And while I'm on this gripe, everyone says "Y'all" so it's dumb when people make fun of Southerners for it.


Rapist Roman Polanski is asking to come back to America. He feels he's payed his debt to society by living it up in a mansion in France for 30 years.



I got my 2009 RNC Membership card in the mail today. Sweet.


I am praying the Chargers beat the Steelers this week. I want so much for the Chargers to win it all now that Dallas is out. I've always had an admiration for the Chargers, and really like a lot of their players.

Plus, I really wanted Norv Turner when the Cowboys were hiring two years ago and Wade was who I wanted least. So I'd like nothing more than for Norv Turner to show Jerry what a moron he is.

And since the two were hired by Dallas and San Diego...

Wade Phillips' Record in December and January with Dallas: 3-6
Norv Turner's Record in December and January with San Diego: 12-1


That's all, folks!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Entry 2: Blogging in the Wind (© Elton John)

It's only my second post and I already feel like I'm blogging to nothingness LOL


I hate the New York Giants so much. If you're a fan of their team, I probably will not like you as a human being. Isn't that awful of me?


Great job late by the Texas Longhorns tonight. Quan Cosby was epic. In all honesty, I don't see how you can justify putting Oklahoma in the National Championship. They lost to Texas by double digits on a neutral site. Texas, on the other hand, only suffered one loss, and it came with one second left, was by less than a touchdown and was on the road against a conference/in-state rival.

Oh well. They'll get it next year.


Only in America could someone as awful as Al Franken get elected. The same man who proposed a skit on Saturday Night Live about him drugging and raping Lesley Stahl is now a crucial part of the decisions that get made in this country. I am disgusted.


I am hella tired right now and I have 5 and a half hours left on my shift. Plus a drive home in the ice. Ugh.


Arnel Pineda sucks.


Steve Perry does not, however.


I went to Buffalo Wild Wings tonight. Bad choice on a night when UT is playing. It was packed and the stench of alcohol breath filled the air. Wings were good though, so s'all good.


Would you rather be invisible or have the ability to fly? It really is a difficult question.

If you fly, you could go anywhere. But if you could be invisible, you could also go anywhere. I think I'd take invisibility so long as I could toggle it off and on.


That brings up another question...would you read people's minds if you could? Let's say you can have the ability, but you have to have it on all the time. So you hear cluttered thoughts and people's 100% honest opinions. I don't think I could live in such a world.


I hate abortion. On a level with the New York Giants. If you understood how much I hate the Giants, you'd realize the disdain I have for abortion.


I know someone who is taking the morning after pill. It's on the same level as abortion in my opinion. I have refused to talk to them since I found out. Is that wrong? If I believe they are wrong and to a disturbing, morally reprehensible level, should I try and talk with them about my I believe they are wrong, or should I hold back? Hmm...

That's all I got for now.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Random Entry 1: Midgets Are Cool

So, I decided to make this blog since I've got nothing to do at work on Sundays and during the week when I'm working the overnight. A mind wanders when you're at work with nothing to do. So I figured I'd flood the internet with these thoughts.

I've been pushing Jeb Hensarling to a lot of my conservative friends lately. I think he's top notch. Loved what he had to say on the Wall Street and Auto bailouts. Just a brilliant man who will hopefully run for Kay Baby Hutchison's seat when she undoubtedly aims for the Governor's chair in 2010.


I really dislike Holidays.


I remember the uproar a few years ago when the city of Farmers Branch (A Dallas suburb) decided to have English as it's official language and that Apartment's were not allowed to rent to illegals and how they were no longer going to print signs in Spanish. Only English.

Why did anyone care when they did this?

City of Farmers Branch needed to save some money. One easy way to do it was to stop printing everything twice in a separate language. It would also lead to discouraging illegal immigrants from living in the city, if they couldn't read the language. They are, after all, illegal.

So what's wrong with basically creating a law to enforce the law?


I think the saddest song I've ever heard is Tupac Shakur's Only Fear of Death.

"My only fear of death is coming back reincarnated"

Really think about what that's saying. The universally accepted "Biggest fear" is death. So for Pac to say he's so unhappy and depressed with life that his only fear of the biggest fear in the world is that reincarnation may be true and he'll have to live his life again, is just epically sad and disheartening to me.


I can't stand Donovan McNabb. He's not even that good. He short hops every single throw in the 10-12 yard range. He only does it in that yard range, too. It's really quite odd.


I can't get Dani California out of my head, so now all of you are going to have to listen to it...

Specifically, I can't get the line "Black bandanna, sweet Louisiana." out of my head.